Wednesday, November 6, 2019

great wall of china 61 essays

great wall of china 61 essays There are many things in this world that people consider great. Some of which are people of places and some of which are things. Many years ago seven of these Great and wonderful things were placed into a group known as the, Seven Wonders of the World. These magnificent things include things like the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens, and the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of China extends across the northern border of China. It extends to the northwest and north of Beijing. The wall is not just a straight wall, it extends across the mountainous terrain of northern China. At just about every point in the wall it zigzags in a wavy pattern. The wall also has many various heights and sizes in different areas and the path running along the top becomes broader in some areas ( Despite the various sizes in the wall, Astronauts who venture into space all claim that they could see the Great Wall of China from space while orbiting around the globe. Construction of the wall began in the seventh century BC. When this construction began, the actual goal set forth was not one enormous great wall. Instead each vassal state in the northern part of China, during the Zhou Dynasty, built their own wall across their northern border. The reason for the wall being various sizes is because the wall was not started in one place and constructed along to a final point. Each portion of the wall was not even started at the same time in history. Aside from the different vassal states building walls at different times, the wall being built by the Vassal State was constructed in different pieces. However, it was started at the same time and was designed by the same architect so it came out looking the same. The soul purpose for starting it in different sections was so that the construction was quicker to be completed and there was enough room for the massive amount of builders (

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