Thursday, October 10, 2019

Analyse Hytners version by comparing and reviewing the play scenes Essay

In this essay I am going to analyse Hytners version by comparing and reviewing the play scenes. My essay is also going to include comments on the language, opening scenes, settings and characters. I think that the stage play is longer than the screen play because the screen play is summarized, this is because in films you don’t have long speech because there are other things around that help you understand, for example when the girls are in court and Abigail pretends to get cold when she see Mary Warren but in the book this is written in a long speech but in the video it is cut down because there is body language used also in the stage play Parris takes books from Hale but in the screenplay John Proctor takes the books because Proctor is the main character, so the main character should welcome Hale at this time Parris is inside with the girls. We are introduced to the one of the main characters when the film begins which is at the night. The first shot we see of the film is Abigail sitting bolt upright in bed because she can’t sleep because of John Proctor. She can’t wait to go cast spells in the woods, which the girls had planned and is looking forward to it. The movement of the girls is very suspicious because you are curious were they are going because they do everything planned, you be asking yourself, why are there so m any and why are they so quiet? I think that the dancing scene brings a lot of excitement to the audience. And when Abigail kills the chicken and licks the blood. I think she is stupid there and heartless because she is killing someone just for her love also the audience is very shocked when they see her doing this. Our attention is on Abigail throughout the opening scene because she’s the first person we see and she takes the lead by drinking chicken blood, she is made to be attractive to the men. Witchcraft starts when Betty falls ill, and everyone thinks she has been witched, also Abigail says they were only dancing but the video shows them conjuring spirits. The main characters in the crucible are John Proctor and Abigail Williams. Abigail is very evil when she pretended that Mary is sending her spirit and making the girl come cold, she acts different at the time, and she is very blue when she is demonstrating this act. John Proctor is powerful in his own way for example when he tells Abigail he don’t lover her and pushes her away, he also is very confident when he confesses the affair he had with Abigail. He is also a risk taker because when he doesn’t sign the paper and has to be hanged But John Proctor is a caring and calm to his children and wife and the village also think that he is an excellent man but the village and his family don’t know that he has been faithful by having an affair behind there back. John Proctor is not a very religious man he had not gone to church throughout the whole play. When Abigail is initially talking to Betty and the girls, the camera is facing Abigail when she speaks the effect this has is that we can see things from Abigail perspective. The lighting is very dim and dreamy the only light we can see is the natural light from the windows. The style of lighting ads to the mood of the scene by then we can realize that this scene is going to be important that the conversation between Abigail and Betty is serious and dull. When the girls are in the woods the lighting is misty, there is a bit of light on the girls mostly on Abigail as there is talking it goes from one person to another. Overall I think that the screen play is better than stage play because in the screen play I could understand what is happening but in the stage play I was confused, because I had to read it and it was quiet confusing but when I watched the video it had people to it so they help me understand more.

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