Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Impact of Information Technology on the Society Research Paper

The Impact of Information Technology on the Society - Research Paper Example Information technology was not as advanced as it is today and communication was also expensive and efficient. A few decades ago a huge revolution in communication and computing occurred which were the markers of information technology advancement. In the last few decades, swift progress in the field of technology mostly in huge internet spread made the technology even more intensive among people. These developments have changed the way many businesses operate such as education, medicine, and commerce. When the human race began to communicate with others, they were proficient in using language and also other important and simpler techniques as in drawings. The era of this sort of technique was known as pre-mechanical and no intricate communication devices were in use. As the time passed, human beings indulged in using papers, and alphabets which improve the communication devices. With the passage of time, this technique changed to the overall development of libraries and books for sto ring information. In the later years, many number systems came into being by making communication easier. The mechanization of technologies of communication made use of analog computers development as in Blaise Pascal, which Pascaline invented. In the electromechanical period, telecommunication was developed. This period was not without its innovation of telephone, radio, and telegraph. The period was taken over by the huge production of personal computers that could easily be used at offices and at homes.  ... Contemporary world followed this period which was mainly dominated by digitized computers. The modern developments involve central processing invention units with memory and logic. The personal computers came as benevolence to people (Library and Information Technology Association, 1982).   Literature review In 2012, Nasir, Sultan, and Khattak also argued that these developments in the field of information technology have paved the way for human communication expansion. This has transformed the cultures and traditions of various groups of society. Furthermore, human beings have been united by this information technology and world is now a global village. The evolution of these technologies and also rapid development of higher developed ones have been made possible. Media industry has also seen a drastic development due to this information technology. In 2012, Heinz and Hirschheim said that many fields of sciences are now enhanced due to information technology. These developments en riched the many experiences of human nature such as human interactions and business. In 2004, Onwuegbuzie and Qun said that information technology has revolutionized the system of education. These technologies were applied in many areas of education such as libraries and have made the procedures of education much easier. Furthermore, the instructors can give instruction in many areas without having to fear meeting students. Additionally, the internet and devices availability as in personal computers are a blessing for virtual students; in fact they give birth to virtual studies. Another field where information technology has its affects is the area of management sciences. The organizational

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